Or the entire state of Massachusetts, for that matter. لا عمل له في بوسطن. أو في ولاية ماساشوستس، بكاملها.
Children of the Tauri also enjoy colourful weapons with no function. أبناء التاورى يلعبون بأسلحة ملونة مماثلة لا عمل لها
So, why was Jack Hayes in this bank if he had no business here? لما جاء و لا عمل له هنا؟
And Bumpo's is the-- well, you can probably figure out which one Bumpo is. ...لا عمل له و .حسنا،نحن سعداء لأنك ساعدتنا
And Bumpo's is the-- well, you can probably figure out which one Bumpo is. ...لا عمل له و .حسنا،نحن سعداء لأنك ساعدتنا
And Bumpo's is the-- well, you can probably figure out which one Bumpo is. ...لا عمل له و .حسنا،نحن سعداء لأنك ساعدتنا
And Bumpo's is the-- well, you can probably figure out which one Bumpo is. ...لا عمل له و .حسنا،نحن سعداء لأنك ساعدتنا
They're billions of us just laying around, not really doing anything. هناك مليارات البشر الذين لا عمل لهم ولا يفعلون اي شيء
Campbell just said that there's no work in town and I don't want to let them starve. (كامبـل) قال أن لا عمل لها في البلدة وأنا لم أرد أن أتركهما يتضوران جوعاً